Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The UberMom Visits!

And we went to Gaspereau Valley Fibres, mecca of all fibre-y goodness. Between us we spent $200--some of hers was on fibre for me, and some fibre for me to spin up for her. We were in there at least an hour petting everything! UberMom also bought some yarn.

I've been spinning up a storm now that's it's not constantly gross and muggy. Hopefully there will be pictures soon.

Friday, May 30, 2008


My lovely friend Erin is heading across the country this summer, and in true nomadic style has sold or given away most of her possessions. Before she left home, she sent me a box packed to the gills with fleece and top and rovings and batts. This box had no straight lines left to it, the poor abused thing!

Here is my bounty:

My Bounty!

(Please note that the red that is at the foot of my wheel and also dangling from the bobbin was not a part of the haul.)

Now, contained in those many many bags are some treasures, or so I hear tell. Angora/silk/wool blends, Romney, camel, to name but a few. And how excited am I? About as excited as this poor beleaguered box is empty:

The Empty Box

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Well, this weekend was quite productive knitting-wise. I managed to watch 30 hours of Torchwood/Doctor Who while completely ignoring the fact that it was Easter, which was awesome. I went yarn shopping on Saturday, scored a bunch of knitting needles for $10 at Value Village, got WAY too much yarn at Tangled Skeins, and got some black felt, some knitting needles, and two bundles of pretty pretty top to spin. And a freebie of some tangled sequin novelty yarn!

Anyway, that way too much yarn from Tangled Skeins was actually for a bunch of projects I intend to do quite quickly, for lo, I am going to felt. Saturday I knit an entire tea cozy--it is huge and in pieces on my dance studio floor. Sunday and yesterday I knit giant mittens. Sometime this week I will find my lingerie mesh bags, and these items will go in the washer with a pair of jeans while I close my eyes and pray to the knitting gods to be kind.

Pictures to follow of giant knit objets d'art.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Still no knitting.

I have indeed concentrated on bellydance for the last few weeks. I made some cowrie falls for a fellow dancer out of my handspun thick and thin slubby, and i knit a bit in my spare time on another Clapotis. However, I frogged that sucker--I had a disastrous needle fall out, and managed to miss picking up a stitch when trying to recover from it. Of course, I didn't really notice for oh, I don't know, eight rows? Gah. So I frogged the fucker and reballed the yarn. I am going to start over. It's goign to be my road trip scarf next weekend when my friend Danielle and I are driving to Montreal for a dance workshop.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Can't Knit, Must Dance!

Not much movement on the knitting front this week. Last week I was sick and canceled all my belly dance classes, which meant I got a LOT of knitting done. Right now I have to concentrate on belly dance because I'm performing at two different shows at the beginning of March, and doing a total of three solos. Eep! I need to get a few new costume pieces made as well, so there will be a lot of sewing involved, and possibly some spinning and cowrie fall making.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

SO much knitting, so little time...

I have finally finished my first Clapotis. It was a fun knit, and I followed the pattern exactly, and I stayed up many late nights knitting furiously to get to the next spot to drop a stitch so I could have the pleasure of unravelling it. I made it from some of my homespun, which I'd made for exactlyt hat purpose. I had to dip into a second skein that I'd spun later to a different specification, so the very end looks a bit different, but it's still cool. I'm goign to make another one, but skinnier.

Autumn Twilght Clapotis

Right now I'm going to work on a few smaller instant gratification projects--I'm knitting Dashing out of the same stuff as I knit the Clapotis, for myself if my boyfriend decides he doesn't like them, and I'm going to knit Fetching for my mom out of some wool I spun just for her. Dashing is started, but Fetching is waiting for the wool to finish drying from the twist-setting.

I think I'm partially making this for my mom as a way to justify the way I overspent in the yarn store on Thursday. I've been sick all week, and I indulged in some roving retail therapy, and I really didn't have the money to spare to even buy one roving if I wanted to make a payment on my credit card like a good girl.

Dude, I spent it on roving instead. And so I'm making my mom something pretty.