Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Well, this weekend was quite productive knitting-wise. I managed to watch 30 hours of Torchwood/Doctor Who while completely ignoring the fact that it was Easter, which was awesome. I went yarn shopping on Saturday, scored a bunch of knitting needles for $10 at Value Village, got WAY too much yarn at Tangled Skeins, and got some black felt, some knitting needles, and two bundles of pretty pretty top to spin. And a freebie of some tangled sequin novelty yarn!

Anyway, that way too much yarn from Tangled Skeins was actually for a bunch of projects I intend to do quite quickly, for lo, I am going to felt. Saturday I knit an entire tea cozy--it is huge and in pieces on my dance studio floor. Sunday and yesterday I knit giant mittens. Sometime this week I will find my lingerie mesh bags, and these items will go in the washer with a pair of jeans while I close my eyes and pray to the knitting gods to be kind.

Pictures to follow of giant knit objets d'art.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Still no knitting.

I have indeed concentrated on bellydance for the last few weeks. I made some cowrie falls for a fellow dancer out of my handspun thick and thin slubby, and i knit a bit in my spare time on another Clapotis. However, I frogged that sucker--I had a disastrous needle fall out, and managed to miss picking up a stitch when trying to recover from it. Of course, I didn't really notice for oh, I don't know, eight rows? Gah. So I frogged the fucker and reballed the yarn. I am going to start over. It's goign to be my road trip scarf next weekend when my friend Danielle and I are driving to Montreal for a dance workshop.